型号MKP(X2)品牌HXD类别直插结构固定特性高频封装外形方块状引出线类型径向引出线标称容量250/275VAC,50~60HZ(V)(μF)技术要求 Specifications工作温度Operating Temperature-40~+100℃额定电压Rated Voltage250/275VAC,50-60Hz容量范围Capacitance Range 0.0047~2.2uF电容量偏差Capacitance ToleranceK(±10%),M(±20%)耐电压Voltage proof5UR(5s)绝缘电阻Lnsulation Resistance(Between terminals) CR≤0.33uF,≥15000MΩ(at 100VDC)CR >0.33uF,≥5000MΩ(at DC 100V)(2000 MΩ or more at DC 500V)(Between terminals and enclosure):30000 MΩ or morn at DC 100V;500 MΩ or morn at DC500VWhen the reading of measuring instrument becomes steady at a value after applying a voltage of DC 100±15V or DC 500±50V for1 minute ±5second ,at 20℃.损耗角正切Dissipation Factor≤0.1% or less (Measured at a frepuency of 1±0.2KHz,at20℃,1Vrs)结构Construction金属化聚丙烯膜,阻燃环氧树脂包封me
tallized polypropylene film,flame retardant epoxy resin coating