公司介绍本公司是主要研发、生产和销售基于数字无线技术的音箱、广播系统及其相关产品的高科技企业。 The company is developed to be a high-tech enterprise in researching, manufacturing and selling digital wireless speakers, broadcasting series and other related products. 我们的研发理念:站在无线技术的**,满足市场的潜在需求; Our research concept: grasp the tend of wireless technological development to meet potential needs of the market. 我们的合作理念:诚实做人 信用做事 合作双赢 服务为本; Our cooperation concept: honest, credible, mutual-beneficial and service-oriented 我们的管理理念:以人为本 创新至上 团结合作 积极务实; Our management concept: Human Oriented, Innovation first, unite to corporate, practice actively 关于蓝牙、2.4G音箱: 产品定位:时尚 科技 动感 潮流 Product characteristics: fashionable, technological, mobile and modern 宣传理念:无线音乐 无限自由 advertising ...