5. | 信赖性试验 Reliability Test | |
| 经过以下所有试验在20℃的条件下放置3小时后,麦克风的灵敏度与试验前比较变化在3DB以内 After any following tests, the sensitivity of the microphone to be within±3DB of initial sensitivity after 3hours of conditioning at 20℃ | |
| 5-1振动试验 Vibration | 周波数1/Frequency1:10Hz~55Hz 振幅/Amplitude:1.52mm 变化/Change of Frequency:1 octave/min 3方向,各2小时/hours in each of 3 axes | |
| 5-2高温试验 Dry Heat | +70℃ for 72 hours | |
| 5-3低温试验 Dry Cold | -20℃ for 72 hours | |
| 5-4高温高湿试验 Damp Heat | 90%~95%RH,+40℃ for 240 hours | |
| 5-5温度循环试验 Temperature cycles | -20℃ 25℃ 70℃ -20℃ (2h) (1h) (2h) (1h) (2h) (2h)ⅹ10 cycles | |
| 5-6跌落试验 Packing drop test | Height:1m 顺序:三个面各跌5次 Procedure:5 times from each of 3 axises | |
6. | 备注Note | |
| 6-1动作温度范围 Operation Temperature | -40℃~75℃ | |
| 6-2保存温度范围 Storage Temperature | -40℃~75℃ | |
7. | 焊接条件 Soldering Condition | |
| 7-1焊接使用13W~20W的烙铁。 The soldering copper of a type of 13W~20W shall be applied | |
| 7-2电烙铁表面温度低于320℃ The temperature of the working surface of the soldering copper shall be below 320℃ | |
| 7-3焊接时把麦克风嵌入散热能力强的金属块内。 ECM shall be soldered fixed on the metal block(heat sink)which has the higher radiation effects said heat sink Shall contact with of ECM . | |
| 7-4焊接时间控制在1~2秒内。 time for each terminal shall be 1~2 sec. | |
| 7-5焊接后不能出现针孔。 The pinhole after soldering shall be avoided. | |
| 7-6静电容易破坏麦克风必须采取措施避免(电烙铁接地,戴静电环等。) ECM may easily destroyed by the static electricity and the countermeasure for eliminating the staticelectricity(the ground for soldering copper, for worktable and for human body)shall be executed. |